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Thank you for your interest in Elevated Cities!

Please read this message carefully before completing your application, as only one application per business owner will be accepted. If you own multiple businesses, please choose one business to submit for consideration.

Elevated Cities will have four cohorts during the 2025 - April 2026 program season:

  • Elevated Cities SOUTH [AL, TN, KY, AR, TX, FL, GA, LA]: Accepting applications from 11/1/24 to 11/30/24. (If your business is located in MS, please apply through the Elevate MS application.)
  • Elevated Cities ATLANTIC [SC, NC, VA, WV, DC, MD, NYC, NJ]: Applications are now open until February 28, 2025.
  • Elevated Cities WEST [CA + all West Coast states]: Applications open May 2025.
  • Elevated Cities MIDWEST [MO, MI, IL, OH]: Applications open October 2025.

You are welcome to apply to the cohort that best fits your location and business needs. Please note that if selected, any in-person opportunities must be attended in the host city of your cohort.

We look forward to receiving and reviewing your application!

We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.